Covid – 19 : How housing societies can stay safe

22 Apr 2020 18:45:50

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are YOU doing for others?’” – Martin Luther King Jr. 
As India is battling COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus, it is important that as a country, as a society and as a citizen we each do our bit. Let us start by knowing more about this virus. 
What is COVID-19?
There are many types of coronavirus, some of which cause diseases ranging from common cold to other respiratory problems. One of the newly discovered viruses of this family, COVID-19 is an infectious disease, which has turned into a world pandemic. 
How does COVID-19 spread? 
COVID-19 mainly spreads through the droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. 
Stages of COVID-19 spread – 
There are mainly 4 stages of this pandemic and if curbed earlier it can be stopped. 
1. The first stage is where the people with the travel history to infected countries are found positive. This stage is easy to control by putting the people with travel history in quarantine.
2. The Second stage is where the people who came in contact with infected patients with travel history are tested positive. This stage is also controllable as the source of infection is traceable and easy to put in quarantine. 
3. The third stage is where things start getting tricky because the infection starts spreading in communities and the source is untraceable. This is when it becomes highly contagious. 
4. In the fourth stage, the spread of this virus is practically uncontrollable and causes the infection to spread all over the country. 
Right now, India is in the second stage of the spread and our government is taking every precautionary measure to curb it there. Now, let us have a look at what we as a society can do to help the spread of COVID-19. 
1. Follow Social Distancing Following social distancing is very important as the virus is mainly spread by the droplets of saliva. Hence, one should always maintain at least a 6 feet distance from each other. 
2. Avoid going outside – Although, the country is under lockdown, still our lives go on and basic necessities require us to buy groceries and other essentials. A way around it is rationing our usage and making the lesser shopping trips. 
3. Make an inventory list – Making a list of all the grocery and essentials that we need is a good way to save time and multiple trips outside. With the list, one can multitask. Also, with the list in front of our eyes all the time the chances of forgetting something and the repeat trip are avoided. 
4. Help thy neighbours – We can make a plan where the task can be divided with our neighbours. For example, one of you can go to the vegetable vendor, other to the fruit shop or grocery store and so forth. This will not only save time but it will also decrease the crowd gathered at each store hence creating a space to maintain social distancing and decreasing the chances of the spread. 
5. Do not buy in huge bulks and use your own carry bags – This lockdown has been difficult for every one of us. In such times it is only natural that we think of ourselves first but a little humility in such times can take us far. Right now, it is necessary to buy more so as to avoid travelling to the market repeatedly, but it is also important to be sensitive about others’ needs and buy accordingly. Another important thing is to bring our own cloth carry bags which can be cleaned immediately after every use. 
Lastly, Janakalyan Bank encourages all its costumers to use the Digital Payment methods to pay for all the bills. Novel Coronavirus can remain active on the surfaces for many days which includes the currency we use for the payments i.e. notes and coins. Janakalyan Bank provides many services like Mobile Banking, Internet Banking* etc which can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Digital payments ensure that you touch as less surfaces as possible and stay safe. 
When we, as a society take the responsibilities, we help our government to defeat this pandemic. 
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